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Invitation for input into planning reform consultations: NSIPs, plan making and logistics

Live consultations

The RTPI are giving full responses to two of the consultations announced by DLUHC in late July 2023:

  1. Operational reforms to the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) consenting process (final deadline 19 September), which includes reforms to the consenting process for major infrastructure, the role and engagement of local communities in that process and the capacity and skills planners need to deliver complex infrastructure.

  2. Plan-making reforms: consultation on implementation (final deadline 18 October), which covers some major reforms to the plan-making process, supplementary plans, the future of minerals and waste plans, DLUHC’s proposed approach to transitioning to these new arrangements, and Community Land Auctions.

We will also be responding to the Department for Transport’s 4 July call for evidence ‘Freight, logistics and the planning system(final deadline 6 October).


Two ways to provide input: Direct input and roundtables on the plan making consultation

RTPI members and regions are welcome to give their input to the Institute’s official responses to all three of these items. Please either:

  • Email individual responses to any of the three consultations to the RTPI’s policy team at [email protected] by 18 August

Or, if you wish to respond to the plan making consultation as a region or network, and would like to organise a roundtable discussion to capture your views:

  • Let the policy team know that you wish to do this so that they can discuss key topics and, if resources allow, attend your meeting virtually.

The edited outputs of roundtables on the plan making consultation should be emailed to the policy team at [email protected] by 25 August.

Members are welcome to organise roundtables and submit input after this date if it is not possible to do so before, but we cannot guarantee that it will be fully integrated into our response.