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27 April 2023, The Barracks Conference Centre, Stirling

2023 is a landmark year for planning in Scotland. On 13 February, the National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) was formally adopted by Scottish Ministers forming part of the statutory development plan in Scotland for the next 10 years. Now we look forward to implementation and delivery of the Framework alongside other provisions set out in the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019. However this is not the only significant milestone of the year as we are celebrating 20 years of the Scottish Young Planners' Network!

We used this important moment in time to reflect on the past and present of the SYPN, and of course look to our new planning system with a focus on topics such as the climate and biodiversity crisis, creating healthy neighbourhoods, community engagement and regeneration. This was a fantastic opportunity to build important networks with other young professionals and develop the critical skills needed to support young planners in their career.


Chair's Welcome and Introduction

  • Kirsty Macari, RTPI Scotland Convenor

Ministerial Address

  • Joe FitzPatrick MSP, Minister for Local Government Empowerment and Planning

Session One – New context, new issues?

Facing Up to the Climate Emergency

  • Alex Irwin, Member, Climate Emergency Response Group and Board Trustee, 2050 Climate Group

Nature and Biodiversity 

  • Cara Davidson, Head of Environment and Energy, Scottish Government Planning, Architecture and Regeneration Division
  • Simon Brooks, Strategic Planning Manager, NatureScot

Access the presentation here

Modern Heritage

  • Dawn McDowell, Deputy Head of Designations (Listing), Historic Environment Scotland 

Access the presentation here

Shaping Places for Well-being

  • Irene Beautyman, Place & Wellbeing Partnership Lead, Public Health Scotland and the Improvement Service

Access the presentation here 

Session Two – Achieving outcomes

20 Years of the SYPN: Past, Present and Future

Panel session with: 

  • Sepideh Hajisoltani, Chair, Scottish Young Planners Network
  • Andrew Trigger, Associate, Justin Lamb Associates
  • Stuart Salter, Director, Geddes Consulting
  • Fiona Clandillon, Head of Development, Midlothian Council

Workshops: Skills for Managing Transition

a. Local Place Plans and community engagement

  •  Susan Brooks, Communities & Place Planning Manager, Loch Lomond Trossachs National Park

Access the presentation here

b. Design Future Neighbourhoods

  • Heather Claridge, Director of Design, Architecture + Design Scotland
  • Mark Dowey, Senior Design Officer, Architecture + Design Scotland

Access the presentation here

c. Planning for Renewables

  • Fraser Mitchell, Partner, Shepherd and Wedderburn

Access the presentation here

Session Three – Moving Forward

Past, Present and Future

  • Bob Salter, Director, Geddes Consulting

Access the presentation here

Post Conference Drinks sponsored by Geddes Consulting