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Senior Executive Office Bearers

Kirsty Macari MRTPI

Convenor RTPI Scotland

Pamela Clifford MRTPI

Senior Vice Convenor

Laura Robertson

Junior Vice Convenor

Andrew Trigger

Immediate Past Convenor RTPI Scotland

Stefano Smith, FRTPI FRSA

Nations Trustee

Corporate Members

Nikola Miller, elected for 2022/23

Corporate Member

Dumiso Moyo, elected for 2022/23

Corporate Member

Gillian Dick, elected for 2023/24

Corporate Member

Lisa Proudfoot, elected for 2023/24

Corporate Member

Duncan Smart, elected for 2023/24

Corporate Member

Student/Licentiate Representative

Jennifer Dunn, elected for 2023

Student Member

Nick Springthorpe, elected for 2023

Student Member

Chapter Representatives

Richard Callender

Central Scotland

Mizzy Marshall

Dumfries and Galloway

Peter Noad

East of Scotland

Laura Robertson


Robert Portman

Highlands & Islands Chapter

Alastair Bledowski

South East Scotland

Stewart Robson

West of Scotland Chapter

Other Representatives

Sepideh Hajisoltani

Chair 2023, Scottish Young Planners' Network

Kevin Murray, Partners in Planning

Director KMA, Past President RTPI

Stuart Salter, Scottish Planning Consultants' Forum