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The Regional Management Board oversees what we do through the preparation of the region’s business plan and budget. The Regional Activities Committee delivers a range of activities supported by various working groups.

Members of our committees and working groups:

  • Shape the development of our CPD events programme for the region
  • Input into consultations and policy updates
  • Inspire future planners and support Young Planners in the South West
  • Contribute to research
  • Organise inter-professional networking opportunities
  • Raise the profile of planning
  • Contribute to the quarterly e-newsletter ‘Branchout’
  • Judge the RTPI South West Awards for Planning Excellence
  • Support the activities and promotion of Planning Aid England
  • Organise the annual regional dinner in Bristol
  • Celebrate new Chartered Members, Volunteers and annouce the regional Award winners at the Summer Reception
Picture top right - RTPI Volunteers at the RTPI South West Summer Reception 2023 in Taunton

Our RMB and RAC members come from the public, private, academic and third sectors and play a vital role in supporting our members – volunteering their time, enthusiasm and expertise in planning.  Find out who is on the 2023 RMB and RAC on the tabs above.

If you are interested in being part of this supportive and inspiring group of volunteer members please contact [email protected] 

What do our current RMB and RAC members have to say?

"I joined the RAC because after so many years of support I had received from RTPI, I felt it time for me to give something back. I also believed that it would present an opportunity to work alongside like minded people (as has proved to be the case)" 
Tim Burton

"I joined to strengthen the links between UWE and industry. I really enjoy working alongside such a brilliant group of planners. I have learnt a lot from being on the RAC" 
Dr Rebecca Windemer

Prior to joining the RTPI SW RAC, I was an active member of the Dorset Young Planners and held a variety of positions including being the chair and the group treasurer. I enjoyed helping to organise local events and contributing to the Branchout Magazine over many years. When my time as a young planner came to an end, it seemed a logical step to put myself forward for a position on Regional Activities Committee where I could use my skills to assist at regional level. Since being appointed, I have helped to organise several CPD events in SW region and I am thoroughly looking forward to continuing to assist with events in 2023. Being part of the RAC has allowed me to promote the values of the RTPI at a regional level and make professional connections with like minded planners from a variety of sectors throughout the region"
Chris Miell

"I have been a member of the RAC for a number of years, over which time I have played an active role in Planning Aid and more lately the Awards for Planning Excellence. I enjoy the opportunities to network and to help shape, deliver and champion planning and placemaking in the SW region, the RAC is a brilliant conduit. The committee are adaptable, friendly and supportive, which has been particularly important over the challenging past few years.  The RAC has been a great place to make new friends, catch up with old ones and re-ignite the ‘planning tingle’ which is often lost amongst the day to day pressures faced by planners today."
Jo Widdecombe 

"I joined the RMB because I wanted to broaden my understanding of planning across the region. I wanted a voice in regional decisions and to get involved with research and education. In reality I've been involved in so much more; speaking at events, meeting the president of the RTPI, generating greater networks across the region and beyond and shaping CPD events. I highly recommend joining this very active group of impressive planning professionals." 
Frances Summers 


Inspired? Consider volunteering

  • Members are welcome from all areas of planning and we are always ready to welcome new members
  • We can co-opt members onto the committee or working groups at any time, please contact us to enquire about vacancies

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