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Politicians in Planning Network (PIPN)

Politics and planning are necessarily interdependent. Together they play a pivotal role in giving communities access to the homes, infrastructure and public services they need to thrive.

The RTPI’s Politicians in Planning network includes over 500 elected representatives involved in planning and planning decisions.

The cross-party network was established in 2021 to help bridge the gap between planning professionals and elected politicians and support our shared ambitions for vibrant, healthy and sustainable places for communities to live, work and interact.

The network helps local authority and parliamentary politicians across all UK and Ireland’s planning systems to share best practice, to access information and receive a regular newsletter on planning matters free of charge.   

"I’m really excited to hear about this new network. Politicians often face challenging decisions, having to balance the needs and wants of their local community against the merits or otherwise of new development. Having others to talk to will undoubtedly help improve the quality and timeliness of their decisions." - Brendan Walsh, Cratus Associate and former Executive Director of Regeneration, Economic Development and Environment at London Borough of Hounslow 

Join other politicians in planning

If you are a politician working in planning you can join the network using the link below.