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Regional Management Boards (RMBs) oversee our work at a local level across the nine English Regions. Each guides a programme of regional activity through the preparation, monitoring and delivery of the Regional Business Plan. It is supported by members of the Regional Activities Committee (RAC) which delivers activities arranged by and for members of the Region, including CPD programmes, events, newsletters, awards as well as other activities.  

Each Regional Management Board is composed of the Region’s elected Officers and the Immediate Past Chair. RMBs are supported by RTPI Regional Coordinators – and act as a key contact for members and volunteers alike. The Regional Activities Committee is of a similar in structure.

Composition of the Regional Management Board

The composition (as set out in our RMB Scheme of Delegation) can vary according to region but normally includes:

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair (or Junior and Senior Vice Chair)
  • Regional Secretary
  • Regional Treasurer
  • Immediate Past Chair
  • Regional Representative on General Assembly
  • Nations and Regions Representative (if not covered by another role, eg. secretary)

Some regions also choose to include provision for a non-designated role in lieu of secretary/treasurer.

Composition of the Regional Activities Committee

The composition (as set out in our RAC Scheme of Delegation) can vary according to region but normally includes the roles listed above plus:

  • Young Planners Representative
  • Planning Aid England Representative
  • Student / Licentiate members
  • Chartered members

Expected Commitments for Members of the RMB and RAC

  • Availability to attend committee/board meetings as scheduled within the region (RAC and RMB meetings are normally held 4-6 times a year).
  • The time to be actively involved contributing to one or more regional activities.
  • Ensure the confidentiality is observed of any documents discussed or presented.
  • Immediately notify the key contact of any potential conflict of interest arising in connection with this role.

Roles and Term of Office

The term for roles is normally one or two years but this varies across regions. Please check with the Regional Co-ordinator for your region.  More details are available on each region's committee and volunteering pages.   See also our role descriptions.


Nominations and Elections

Elections for roles are held annually.  Positions with a two year term are elected every other year.  Nominations for RMB and RAC roles will open on 4 September.


Timeline for Nominations and Elections

  • Nominations open: Monday 4 September
  • Nominations close: Friday 29 September
  • Election voting opens: Wednesday 4 October
  • Election voting closes: Friday 27 October
  • Results announced: Week commencing Monday 6 November