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RTPI Northern Ireland engages with the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) and the Northern Ireland Assembly who legislate for the separate planning system in Northern Ireland. Our work focuses on:

  • shaping and informing policy and practice
  • providing opportunities for Members to access CPD
  • sharing good practice
  • promoting planning

The work of RTPI NI is managed through the RTPI NI Executive Committee and implemented by the Director and the staff team based in Northern Ireland.

The Committee's remit includes:

  • developing the Institute's position on planning policy in Northern Ireland (through a Policy and Research Forum)
  • supporting members in their professional activities
  • promoting planning as a career
  • supporting Young Planners NI
  • coordinating the Institute's programme of events in Northern Ireland

The Executive Committee is represented on the RTPI's General Assembly, committees and panels.


Roles and Term of Office

The term for roles is normally one or two years.   See the role descriptions here.


Timeline for Nominations and Elections

Elections for roles are held annually.  Positions with a two year term are elected every other year. 

  • Nominations open: Monday 4 September
  • Nominations close: Thursday 29 September
  • Election voting opens: Wednesday 4 October
  • Election voting closes: Friday 27 October
  • Results announced: Week commencing Monday 6 November